
更新时间:2024-04-27 09:54:29 初中生作文

Computrs-电脑,Computrs-电脑范文Computrs-电脑 电脑每天都在改变着我们的生活。我们可以在电脑上做很多事情。例如,我们可以写文章,办公,还可以玩游戏。但是最重要的是通过计算机上网,我们在网上可以做更多事情。我们可以网上购物,查材料,还可以与世界各地的人们交流。总之,电脑和网络使我们的生活越采越方便了。 Computrs ar changing our lif day by day. W can do many things on computrs. For xampl, w can writ articls, do offic work and play gams. But th most important usag of computrs is to gt on th Intrnt. W can do mor things on th Intmt. W may do shopping, sarch information and communicat with popl all around th world. In short,computrs and Intrnt ar making our lif mor and mor convnint. Computrs-电脑


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